But oh! What are these little round pebbles that line the ground?

The confirmation is behind us. Some caravans of tourists set off on our tracks and on their tracks from the day before, therefore.

We are no longer afraid of getting lost, just get on a poop to see the city and find your way. We discover that these dunes do not approach each other in any direction. The wind kneads one of the two slopes like a steamroller and makes it easily passable, while the other face drops abruptly and crumbles under our feet. By understanding this, we double our cruising speed.

Like sand, silence is golden. The shadows continue their stretching session in unreal, hypnotizing curves.

We move away from the caravanners to start the ascent of the spotted dune. It peaks, it seems, a hundred and fifty meters above sea level-zouga.

Our toes feeling strangely cramped, we take advantage of the break at the top to take off our shoes. The equivalent of two or three mint teas flows out of it.

We are waiting here for the sunset, before hitting the slopes to our room.

The dunes fall asleep and the celestial vault takes over. The desert sky is fabulous, pierced with as many stars as there are grains of sand under our feet.

But we have only one idea in mind, go back to the dunes again for the sunrise. Winter has its advantages: the sun does not emerge before 8 a.m., which makes waking up more pleasant than in hot season. The night freshness is quickly forgotten after a few strides over the dunes.

And what dunes!

The morning colors are second to none.

The dream continues with our breakfast, tasted with your feet in the sand which warms gently under the first rays. Moroccan pancakes and squeezed orange juice have never been so tasty.

As we are staying a second night there, we have a whole day. The temperature tentatively rises to twenty-five degrees. Tell yourself that it can reach double in summer. Besides, our hosts tell us that they are closing the establishment and taking a vacation far from here in July and August, while the sun is calming.

During a conversation, they tell us the local recipe to cure everything, and in particular rheumatism: to be buried in the sand up to the neck for several hours, with a small parasol, a bottle and a straw. It’s no joke, Moroccans come from the other side of the country for a sand bath.

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While looking for an idea of ​​outing in the surroundings, we discover a lake: the Dayet Srij. Yes yes, a lake, only three kilometers from the dunes. However, it only exists in winter. And again, if it rained, because some years do not see a drop fall. To reach it, we find a roughly passable track on Google Maps. And the water is there!

Not many fish should dare to live here. On the other hand, a flock of birds catches a din of all the devils above our ears, while we spot a little further what looks like white flamingos.

In the evening, we return to have fun in the dunes, then … goodbye Merzouga, we hit the road! We either go to Fes or go back to Marrakech. We offer two options: Marrakech to fes desert tours 3 days and Marrakech desert tours 3 days


Rachel Martin: Rachel, an adventure travel blogger, shares her experiences of hiking, climbing, and trekking around the world. Her blog includes detailed guides, safety tips, and inspiring stories to encourage others to embark on their own adventures.